What are Digital Marketing Services?
When a potential customer walks into your storefront business, you can see that person, make eye contact with them, talk with them and establish a report. Not so in the online marketing realm. Today, your audience engages with your brand in a multitude of ways: they might “Like” a comment on your company’s social media page such as Facebook, share about your innovations via Twitter, snap photos of your product and share them on Instagram, pin a product they love on Pinterest, create their own personal product reviews about you and publish their videos on YouTube and even search for your company coupons via a mobile browser as they walk through your store. Reaching these target customers where they are at and establishing a credible brand relationship with them is critical for your business to succeed online.
One of the first steps in attracting your online audience is to understand your customer’s marketing attributions and then to develop a clear, memorable and trusted brand story to create an emotional connection with them, or as we like to say, a Story Worth SharingTM. At Catalyze Digital, we incorporate the best cross-channel digital marketing techniques, working in concert with you to create powerful brand messaging, stories and highly relevant experiences for you to implement consistently across fragmented screens. In other words, we create an Omni-channel presence and establish a more efficient path-to-purchase by being where your customers are searching for your product or services online.
As a professional SEO digital marketing consulting organization, we work across multiple channels to help you succeed online. Some of the internet marketing channels we incorporate include:
PPC (Pay per Click Advertising), PPL (Pay Per Lead), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Mobile Site Optimization, Email Marketing, Display Advertising, Social Media Marketing and custom Videos and Original Photography.
As a the best SEO firm, we’re in the best position as your partner experts to recommend and implement the right online marketing strategy(s) for your business. Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the most important internet marketing services we utilize.
Pay per Click (PPC) Online Marketing or Search Engine Marketing (SEM
The top ad agencies will use this type of inbound online marketing to promote businesses via paid ads alongside organic search results. Each ad is triggered by a search for specific keywords, and the advertiser or you pay when the ad is clicked and the user is directed to your landing page or website. When done correctly, PPC can provide a powerful return-on-investment online, and is available with all major search engine.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Most companies today think of SEO as simply getting to the #1 spot in Google through organic search. What most organizations don’ realize however, is that SEO is a highly complex digital marketing strategy, which uses a unique combination of tools and tactics to increase the number of people who find your organization by inputting specific keywords into the search box. Organic search traffic increases visibility to your website by optimizing your website with very specific keyword content, ensuring you are found through geo-targeting tools such as Googlemaps, and taking advantage of outplaced messaging in social media channels to drive people back to you. Because Google changed their algorithms 500X last year alone, may organizations have become frustrated and overwhelmed with trying to keep up. Rest assured, Catalyze Digital will work on your long-term marketing strategies, using data-driven tools and decision-making.
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Just like the term suggests, social media marketing (SMM) is a powerful online marketing tool that gives you an unrivaled opportunity to develop a solid and professional relationship with your target audience. SSM provides you with the opportunity to up your online exposure by showcasing your business via outplaced ads on various social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and more. More importantly, it allows you to extend your brand reach to be present where your potential customers are and to engage in a more personalized brand experience one-on-one. Fans may even promote you via their extensive networks.
Original Photography and Documentary-Style Promotional Videos
Not only do original photos and videos speak volumes about your brand, they also help you optimize for organic search. When created, tagged and implemented correctly, they can dramatically increase your organic search results. Ask us how today. Or simply answer our consulting questions and get a FREE “Increase Your Online Results” consultation to see how you’re doing.
Do you need Digital Marketing Services?
A simple and quick answer is absolutely YES – considering the fact that the internet has the power to connect to a vast target audience around the world. A digital ad agency, such as Catalyze Digital will be able to easily measure the effectiveness of your online marketing campaigns through our proprietary and other internet marketing tools so you can focus on what you do best: innovating your business.